Placenta Encapsulation+Mother Warming


Book Placenta Encapsulation OR Mother Warming HERE

Labor takes more from your body than most people realize. When I became a mother, I was shocked at how depleted I felt after birth. No one warned me about the profound emptiness—the loss of blood, energy, and vitality that comes with bringing life into the world. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, this makes perfect sense. Birth depletes both your Blood (Yin) and Energy (Qi), creating an internal void that needs serious nourishment, not just a standard diet and "pushing through" the exhaustion.

Your placenta is literally made for your postpartum healing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the placenta (Zi He Che) is considered one of the most powerful tonifying herbs available. Why? Because it's specifically designed by your body, for your body. This isn't about following a trend—it's about accessing an ancient wisdom that recognizes the profound resource your body has already created for your healing.

I've seen what happens when we ignore postpartum depletion. Without proper nourishment after birth, that emptiness can manifest as postpartum anxiety, depression, fatigue that never seems to lift, struggles with milk supply, and a weakened immune system that leaves you vulnerable when you need strength most. The conventional approach of "just rest when you can" isn't enough.

Your placenta capsules support the healing your body desperately needs. When I prepare your placenta for encapsulation, I'm creating a powerful medicine specifically tailored to your postpartum recovery. These capsules help restore your depleted energy, support healthy milk production, stabilize your mood during those hormone-shifting early weeks, and provide the foundation for genuine healing—not just "getting by."

This isn't just another supplement—it's your body's own medicine. Combined with nourishing whole foods and proper rest, your placenta capsules provide targeted support for your energy, mood stability, milk supply, and overall vitality. I'm not offering this service because it's trendy—I'm offering it because I've seen how profoundly it can transform the postpartum experience when women receive the deep nourishment they deserve.

Your postpartum recovery matters for your long-term health. The way you heal after birth affects more than just those early weeks with your baby. In Chinese Medicine, properly addressing postpartum depletion sets the foundation for your health for years to come. You deserve more than just surviving the fourth trimester—you deserve to heal deeply and completely.

Mother Warming Ceremony

Ancient postpartum healing traditions to nurture new mothers on their recovery journey.

Mother Warming is ancient wisdom for modern mothers. After birth, your body needs genuine care and restoration. Our healthcare system rushes women through the postpartum period, often leaving them depleted and struggling. There's barely time to heal before you're expected to "bounce back." This approach ignores centuries of traditional postpartum wisdom from cultures worldwide.

Your postpartum recovery matters. Mother Warming brings this healing tradition to your home. Using the gentle heat of moxibustion (burned mugwort), we warm your abdomen and lower back to restore vital energy, improve circulation, and support your body's natural healing. It's not complicated or expensive—just deeply effective care that honors what your body has accomplished.

This is about more than physical healing. This ceremony creates sacred space for you to be nurtured when everyone else is focused on the baby. It acknowledges your transformation and provides warmth, comfort, and recognition during this vulnerable time.

You deserve this ancestral care as you begin your motherhood journey. As a mother myself who understands the postpartum period, I bring this service to Clear Creek County families with deep respect for both the tradition and your unique needs. No medical jargon, no rushing—just genuine care in the comfort of your home.

FAQ - Postpartum Recovery with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Q: How does labor deplete Yin and Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine?
A: Labor involves a significant loss of blood (Yin) and energy (Qi), which creates an internal imbalance. If left unaddressed, this depletion can lead to postpartum health issues like fatigue, anxiety, and low immunity.

Q: What is Zi He Che, and how does it help postpartum recovery?
A: Zi He Che (Human Placenta) is a powerful herb in TCM that helps restore energy, improve healing, boost breastmilk supply, and stabilize mood after childbirth.

Q: Can placenta encapsulation help with postpartum depression?
A: Yes, placenta encapsulation using Zi He Che is known to help balance hormones, which can reduce the risk of postpartum depression and improve overall emotional well-being.

Q: How soon after birth should I start incorporating Zi He Che into my recovery?
A: It's best to start using Zi He Che or placenta encapsulation soon after childbirth to maximize its benefits for postpartum healing and energy restoration.